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Safecor Health Introduces SafecorLogics

Posted on December 01, 2022

New program enables health systems a more strategic approach to reducing drug spend and building system-wide supply chain solutions

Columbus, Ohio – Dec. 1, 2022 – Safecor Health today announced SafecorLogics, a new program for health systems to reduce drug spend, build system-wide supply chain solutions and improve value-based care. SafecorLogics allows a health system to consolidate order volume across numerous hospitals and store packaged product in Safecor Health’s warehouses. Combined with Safecor Health’s drug spend analysis, SafecorLogics drives standardization and significant reduction in drug and packaging costs across multi-site and multi-state facilities.

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In-House vs. Outsourced Drug Repackaging

Posted on September 14, 2021

Weighing the option of purchasing a unit-dose packaging system for your hospital pharmacy versus outsourcing your packaging

Hospitals continually look for ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and unit-dose drug repackaging and barcoding remain an option to achieve that. While some hospital pharmacies have the resources to manage drug repackaging in-house, for others, the time, space, and labor requirements remain a constant challenge. As a result, many hospital pharmacies are opting to outsource their unit-dose repackaging, allowing them to free up staff time, space and significantly reduce costs. So which option is best for your pharmacy – investing in packaging equipment and packaging in-house or outsourcing to a third-party unit-dose repackager? 

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Seven Tips to Help You Avoid Cross-Contamination During Unit-Dose Drug Repackaging

Posted on August 12, 2021

Originally posted on April 05, 2018

Updated August 2, 2021 

While the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to medication shortages, the FDA acknowledges that drug shortages can occur almost any time, due to factors such as manufacturing delays, quality issues, or discontinuations. In fact, the FDA now offers a Drug Shortages Mobile App to receive notifications within selected therapeutic categories.

As a result of pandemic-related shortages, some hospitals and health systems have opted to establish a combination of in-house and outsourced unit-dose drug repackaging to ensure supply availability and to keep costs in check. Regardless of which approach a facility chooses, cross-contamination remains a vitally important consideration for every hospital's unit-dose repackaging strategy.

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Overcome Pharmacy Technician Staffing Challenges To Keep Hospital Pharmacy Operations Running Smoothly

Posted on April 22, 2021

Workforce shortages are nothing new to the pharmacy industry. In 2016, The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics projected a 12% increased demand for pharmacy technician jobs.

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In-House vs. Outsourced Unit-Dose Repackaging: Which is Better?

Posted on February 18, 2019

In today’s health care environment, it’s important to ensure that patients get the best care possible. This can include spending time with the patient to understand his or her needs. It also includes prescribing, dispensing and administering the right drug in the right dose at the right time.

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How to Optimize Pharmacy Staffing through Repackaging

Posted on June 13, 2018

Health care is an ever-changing industry. The fluctuation in technology alone can be hard enough to keep track of, but modern medical institutions also must deal with rapidly increasing costs and ever-shrinking resources. This is especially true of hospital pharmacies where tighter budgets can stretch staff thin and it can be difficult to optimize pharmacy staffing.

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